The Silent Battle Within: How DNA Repair Protects Us (and Fails Us) in the War Against Aging

Zoohouse News
3 min readFeb 25, 2024

Our bodies are like intricate battlefields, constantly bombarded by enemies: environmental toxins, radiation, even the natural processes of life itself.

On the front lines of this war stand our valiant soldiers — the DNA repair mechanisms. These unsung heroes work tirelessly to mend the damage inflicted on our genetic code, the very blueprint of our being. But as we age, this battle starts to turn, with implications for not only our health but also the very essence of life itself.

DNA: The Fragile Blueprint

Think of DNA as a long, winding instruction manual containing the code for building and maintaining our bodies. Every cell carries a copy of this manual, ensuring its vital instructions are readily available. However, DNA is susceptible to damage — from sunlight and pollution to the natural wear and tear of cellular processes. This damage, if left unrepaired, can lead to mutations, potentially triggering diseases like cancer.

The Arsenal of Repair:

Fortunately, our cells are equipped with a sophisticated arsenal of DNA repair mechanisms, each specializing in different types of damage. Some, like base excision repair, act like firefighters, quickly patching up single broken nucleotides…



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