The Sharp Rise of Deception, Propaganda and Lies in The Digital Age

Zoohouse News
5 min readFeb 16, 2023

Stay vigilant, lies lurk everywhere

Lies, propaganda, and deception from right-wing media sources can be incredibly harmful to our democracy and freedoms. By promoting false information and perpetuating conspiracy theories, these media outlets undermine the trust that citizens have in our democratic institutions and the media itself. This can lead to an erosion of the public’s faith in the electoral process and make it easier for authoritarian leaders to seize and maintain power. Furthermore, by promoting messages that are divisive and fear-based, right-wing media can contribute to the polarization of our society, making it more difficult to find common ground and work towards common goals.

Moreover, right-wing media can also stifle free speech and intimidate those who hold dissenting views. By promoting a narrative that demonizes certain groups or individuals, these media outlets can create an atmosphere of fear and hostility towards those who hold different beliefs. This can lead to a chilling effect on free speech, as people may be afraid to speak out or express their opinions for fear of retaliation. Additionally, by presenting a skewed or one-sided version of the news, right-wing media can limit people’s exposure to diverse viewpoints and prevent them from making informed decisions about important…



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